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German proverb Quotes and Quotations

It's the whole, not the detail, that matters.
God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them.
An old man loved is Winter with flowers.
- German proverb | Aging and Old Age Quotes
Old birds are hard to pluck.
- German proverb | Aging and Old Age Quotes
Whose bread I eat, his song I sing.
- German proverb | Capitalism Quotes
A hedge between keeps friendship green.
Good things are not done in a hurry.
- German proverb | Goodness and Giving Quotes
When the fox preaches, look to your geese.
- German proverb | Hypocrisy Quotes
He who would rule must hear and be deaf, see and be blind.
Invalids live longest.
- German proverb | Medicine and Sickness Quotes
The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people.
- German proverb | Observation Quotes
Who takes the child by the hand takes the mother by the heart.
- German proverb | Parenthood Quotes
Better silent than stupid.
- German proverb | Silence Quotes
Truth has a handsome countenance but torn garments.
- German proverb | Truth Quotes
In time of war the devil makes more room in hell.
- German proverb | War Quotes
Contentment is worth more than riches.
- German proverb | Forgiveness Quotes
Envy eats nothing but its own heart.
- German proverb | Other Side Quotes
Charity looks at the need, not at the cause.
- German proverb | Helping Other People Quotes
Avarice hoards itself poor; charity gives itself rich.
- German proverb | Helping Other People Quotes
God helps those who help themselves.
- German proverb | Prayer Quotes
God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them.
- German proverb | Prayer Quotes
God helps those who help themselves.
- German proverb | Self-Reliance Quotes
The morning has gold in its mouth.
- German proverb | Mornings Quotes
Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.
- German proverb | Difficult Days Quotes
Nothing in this world is permanent.
- German proverb | Change Quotes
To change and to improve are two different things.
Who begins too much accomplishes little.
- German proverb | Goals Quotes
Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.
- German proverb | Fear Quotes
"But" is a fence over which few leap.
Great things are done more through courage than through wisdom.
- German proverb | Courage Quotes
Great things are done more through courage than through wisdom.
- German proverb | Success Quotes
The best brewer sometimes makes bad beer.
- German proverb | Failures and Mistakes Quotes
Who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet.
- German proverb | Worthy Victories Quotes
Never give advice unless asked.
- German proverb | Advice Quotes
When a dove begins to associate with crows its feathers remain white but its heart grows black.
- German proverb | Associate Quotes
Even the lion has to defend himself against flies.
- German proverb | Criticism Quotes
The best carpenters make the fewest chips.
- German proverb | Efficiency Quotes
The eyes believe themselves; the ears believe other people.
- German proverb | Eye Quotes
Weeping bride, laughing wife; laughing bride, weeping wife.
- German proverb | Marriage Quotes
Speech is silver; silence is golden.
- German proverb | Silence Quotes

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