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A. J. Liebling
A. Lawrence Lowell
Abe Lemons
Abraham Lincoln
Ada Levenson
Agnes C. Laut
Alain-Rene Lesage
Alan Jay Lerner
Alexandre Ledru-Rollin
Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Alphonse de Lamartine
Amy Lowell
Ann Landers
Anne De Lenclos
Anne Lamott
Anne Lewis
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Anonymous American Lawyer
Arnold Lazarus
Arthur R. M. Lower
Audre Lorde
Baron von Leibnitz
Belle Livingstone
Ben Lindsey
Benjamin Lipson
Bernard Lonergan
Bette Bao Lord
Bill Lemley
Bishop Hugh Latimer
Bo Lozoff
Bob Lemon
Bobby Layne
Bonar Law
Brother Lawrence
Bruce Lee
Burt Lawlor
C. Day Lewis
C. F. Lloyd
C. R. Lawton
C. S. Lewis
Carol Lewis
Caroline Begelow LeRow
Carter Lindberg
Charles A. Lindbergh
Charles C. Leland
Charles L. Lucas
Charles Lamb
Charles Lindbergh
Charles Lingsley
Charles Luckman
Charlotte Lennox
Chris Evert Lloyd
Christine Lahti
Christine Lavin
Christopher Lasch
Christopher Lehmann-Haupt
Clare Boothe Luce
Claude Levi-Strauss
Cloris Leachman
Cookie Lavagetto
D. H. Lawrence
D. Lupton
Dan S. Lamont
David Letterman
David Liederman
David Lilienthal
David Lodge
Ding Ling
Donald Law
Donald Lloyd
Doris Lessing
Doris Lund
Dorothea Lange
Doug Larson
E. R. Lefebvre Laboulaye
E. V. Lucas
Eda LeShan
Edward C. Lambert
Edward Lear
Elmer G. Letterman
Emil Ludwig
Emile Littre
Emma Lazarus
Estee Lauder
Evelyn Laye
F. L. Lucas
Fedirico Garcia Lorca
Felicia Lamport
Felicite Robert de Lamennais
Fischer's Law
Fran Lebowitz
Frank C. Laubach
Frank Lane
Frank Leahy
Frederick Langbridge
French Foreign Legion
Friedrich von Logau
G. C. Lichtenberg
G. H. Lewes
Genealogical Research Library
General Lewis
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
George Cabot Lodge
George Claude Lorimer
George Henry Lewes
George Horace Lorimer
George Levinger
Georges Lefevre
Georgette Leblanc
Gerald Stanley Lee
Giacomo Leopardi
Giuseppe di Lampedusa
Gordon Lindsay
Gotthold E. Lessing
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Gypsy Rose Lee
H. Bertram Lewis
H. P. Liddon
H. S. Leigh
H. T. Leslie
Hal Lindsey
Hannah Farnham Lee
Harold Lloyd
Harold Loukes
Harper Lee
Harriet Lerner
Harry Lauder
Helen Lawrenson
Helen Merrell Lynd
Hendrik Willem van Loon
Henry Cabot Lodge
Henry Link
Henry S. Leigh
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Herbert Lockyer
Hilda Lawrence
Ignatius Loyola
Irving Layton
Jack London
James Lawrence
James Lipton
James Liter
James Russell Lowell
Janet Lane
Jay Leno
Jean Baptiste LaCordaire
Jean Lesage
Jean Lush
Jenny Lind
Jerry Levias
Jessica Lange
Jimmy Lyons
Joan Lunden
Joe E. Lewis
Joe Louis
Johann Kaspar Lavater
John Laidlaw
John Lennon
John Leonard
John Lilly
John Livingston Lowes
John Locke
John Lubbock
John Lukacs
John Lyly
John P. Loughrane
John W. Lynch
Joshua L. Liebman
Jules Laforgue
Julie de Lespinasse
Justus Lipsius
Karl Lagerfeld
Karl Llewellyn
Kay Lyons
Konrad Lorenz
Kurt Lewin
L. E. Landon
L. W. Lockhart
Lady Constance Lytton
Landrum P. Leavell
Lane Lenhart
Lee lacocca
Lee Loevinger
Leonard L. Levinson
Letitia Landon
Lew Lehr
Lewis E. Lawes
Lewis H. Lapham
Lewis L. Lewisohn
Lillie Langtry
Lolita Lebron
Lord Longford
Louis L'Amour
Louise Lotz
Lucimar Santos de Lima
Lucy Larcom
Ludwig Lewisohn
M. G. Lichtwer
M. W. Larmour
Madeleine L'Engle
Magnus Gottfried Lichtwer
Malcolm Lowry
Margaret Lane
Margaret Laurence
Marie Leneru
Marie Lloyd
Mark R. Litteton
Martin Luther
Mary Lamb
Mary Lyon
Mary Todd Lincoln
Mary Wilson Little
Maureen Lipman
Max Lerner
Max Lucado
Melville Landon
Michael Leunig
Milton Lomask
Moses Luzzatto
Nancy Long
Nancy Lopez
Ninon de L'Enclos
Oscar Levant
Par Lagerkvist
Paul W. Litchfield
Penelope Leach
Penelope Lively
Peter Latham
Peter Levi
Peter Lord
Peter M. Leschak
Phil Linz
Philip Larkin
Philip Larlcin
Ping Lardner
Pope Leo
Prince Leopold
R. D. Laing
Raymond Lindquist
Reggie Leach
Rend Leriche
Richard Lester
Richard Lovelace
Ring Lardner
Robert E. Lee
Robert G. Lee
Robert Keith Leavitt
Robert Leighton
Robert Lindner
Robert Lloyd
Robert Lynd
Robert S. Lund
Rosa Luxemburg
Rosamond Lehmann
Rose Wilder Lane
Rouget de Lisle
Russell Lynes
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Saint Rose of Lima
Sam Levenson
Samuel Lover
Selma Lagerlof
Shelley Long
Sherry Lansing
Shirley Lord
Sidney Lanier
Sinclair Lewis
Sir John Lubbock
Sir Richard Livingstone
Sophia Loren
Sophie Irene Loeb
Stanislaw J. Lee
Stanislaw Lec
Stanislaw Lee
Stephen Leacock
Stephen Levine
Stephen Lewis
Susan L. Lenzkes
Susan Lucci
Suzannea LaFollette
Sven Lidman
T. E. Lawrence
The Dalai Lama
Therese of Lisieux
Thomas Lye
Tom Landry
Tom Lehrer
Tommy Lasorda
Tristan J. Loo
Ursula K. LeGuin
Vachel Lindsay
Vernon Law
Vernon Luchies
Victor Lownes
Victoria Lincoln
Vince Lombardi
Violette Leduc
Vladimir Lenin
Walter Lippman
Walter Lippmann
Walter Savage Landor
Watterson Lowe
Welter's Law
Wendy Liebman
Wilfrid Laurier
William F. Lynch
William J. Lock
William J. Locke
William Law
William Littler
William Lowndes
William White law
Wyndham Lewis
Yves Saint Laurent
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